Ways to prevent crops from diseases
India is an agrarian country and more than 60% of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihood. The livelihood of a vast population in India depends on agriculture and its constant upliftment is required.
Globally, farmers lose 30 to 40 per cent of their crops due to pests and diseases, according to the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation. To reduce these losses and to succeed in getting the best and the maximum yield from the farm, a farmer has to minimise his crop loss.
This demands proper and sustainable agricultural practices. By employing the right agricultural practices he can aim to improve the yield of the crops. For improving the yield, a farmer needs to improve the variety of crops, its production management, and its protection management.
When it comes to crop diseases, regardless of how much care is taken certain problems are beyond one’s control. There are, however, several things that can be practised to prevent or lessen the chance of crop diseases.
Let’s have a look at some of the ways to prevent crops from getting destroyed.
Crop location:
For the better start, growing crops in locations where they are best suited to the climate, soil and topography should be the most important priority.
Variety selection:
Choosing beneficial crop varieties, such as those with disease and pest resistance, should always be the keystone of farmers.
Crop rotation:
Sowing different crops in alternate rows or under sowing can improve soil fertility and reduce weeds. Growing different crops in rotation also help reduce the build-up of pests.
Giving nutrients at the right time in the correct amounts can optimize soil health and help crops withstand attacks from pests.
Water management
To help keep crops in the best of health, an optimum amount of water should be supplied. As most of the crops diseases are spread through water.
Weed management:
Weeds are unwanted plants growing along with the crops. These undesirable plants, steal the nutrients, sunlight, water and other resources from the crops and affect their growth. Farmers must remove these weeds by spraying weedicides, manually plucking the weeds, ploughing the field, etc.
If agriculture is to be safe, healthy and sustainable, it is essential to have healthy crops. They play a role in producing sufficient quantities of healthy foods and contribute to the quality of life. In order to do this, some of the above pointers have to kept in mind and practised.
This information can be gathered from anyone. Some can search on the web portals, some from their friends engaged in farming, and from many other sources.
But there is a one-stop platform that can solve the unwanted crop diseases in just a few clicks. That is — Digitrac.
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Farmers in a few seconds can obtain modern agriculture tips from the Agriblog section on the website. Agriblog has the remedy of all the unwanted diseases of the crop. Advanced farming measures, special methods of special crop farming and many successful techniques are available through Agriblog.
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