Buying a tractor. It’s just that simple isn’t it? A single transaction to decide all of your farming future. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced farmer who has been farming for decades, a single exchange with a tractor manufacturer/brand can solve all your farming problems by offering you (what they say) the best tractor there is. Well, if it was about anyone else that would probably be true. A farmer’s interaction with a tractor brand would be limited to just a single transaction of buying said tractor, or maybe a couple more with things like after-sales repairs and such. However, when it comes to Digitrac, there is so much more! Digitrac is a tractor manufacturer that is working every single day to create an ecosystem around it’s brand. What do we mean by that? Well, what Digitrac is basically trying to do is make sure that right from browsing the tractor to selling the very same tractor a farmer might have brought decades ago, all of their points on interaction are exclusively Digitrac.
“But how do they do this?”, you might be thinking. Well, the answer is simple, the Digitrac app. This is a free to download, install and use app for anyone (not only Digitrac customers exclusively) which helps them better understand the purchases, nay, the investments they are making (or might be planning to make) with Digitrac. However, there is one specific featureset in this app that truly best highlights Digitrac’s intentions to make its brand a real ecosystem. An offering which makes clear that Digitrac is not only about selling tractors, accessories, implements and tractor services, but also about making sure that it contributes in making every farmer’s life easier in any easy, shape or form possible. And that feature is AgriCare. AgriCare offers multiple ways for farmers to better equip themselves when it comes to having the right farming know-how to benefit them in the long-term. Here’s how the AgriCare features make this happen:
Agri Blog: As you can surely make out by the name, this feature offers short, concise and informative blogs to farmers. The topic of these blogs range from everything like which fertilizers to use to what might be the optimal crops to grow in a particular time of the year.
Expert Advice: While the previous AgriBlog offers information that might be helpful to farmers across the country, this feature offers advice that is specifically tailored to the needs of a specific user. This means, that as a farmers and registered user with the app, you can get advice that is tailored specifically to you. How is that possible? Well, read on.
Farm Tagging: Coming to how Digitrac customises all of its AgriCare features to every individual user, the credit for that has to go to Farm Tagging. Farm Tagging is a feature where users can “tag” their farms, i.e, register their farms with the app’s database to fully get the maximum benefits of each and every feature of the app being customised and tailored specifically for them.
Mandi Price: This feature gives farmers the best prices for crops at the Mandis near them. A feature that is designed and dedicated to ensure that farmers get the most profitability for their days, weeks and months of hard work.
Weather Forecast: While yes, you could just look up on your mobile for the weather forecast in and around your area, this feature takes weather forecasting to another level since the user’s farm is “tagged” with the Digitrac app. Thus, experts at Digitrac can give you proper and custom-tailored advice that you as an individual specifically need to make sure your productivity levels always stay as high as possible.
So, now you know that the best agriculture app on your smart device is not only dedicated to making you purchase tractor or tractor-related accessories, implements and services, but also to making your life as a farmer as easy, comfortable and productive as possible.